Rodriguez Tributes From Around The World

Artwork by Jack Stone Design

Sixto Rodriguez – 10 July 1942 to 8 August 2023

Dear Stephen,

I hope this e-mail finds you well, in accordance with what the recent events allow.

First of all, I am still in shock, in times like these, I reflect on the importance of living life before it slips away – grasping it steadily, like Mr. Rodriguez always did, at least in through my eyes. But at least I am forever glad that Mr. Rodríguez’s story saw the light and I witnessed it all unfold.

Secondly, in name of my dearest friend Luzia (also an immense Rodriguez admirer, from whom I received the sad news through one of the most desperate phone calls I ever heard) and me, we would kindly ask, if you could extend our deepest condolences to Mr. Rodriguez’s family and friends. For unreasonable as it might seem, although we never actually met him, we felt his presence and his departure as if we shared a living for a lifetime. His legacy and life lessons will unquestionably forever live in us and in many, many Portuguese fans.

Lastly, we would be infinitely grateful if you could please share the following poem that me and friend Luzia recently drafted in homage of Mr. Rodríguez with his family, in hopes that it encompasses our true appreciation for everything he was and stood for. Here it is:

To he who was scrapped by the neon void

As a street boy in the streets of Detroit

To he who vanished through a wonder vest

Broken and omnipotent like a Rorschach test

To he who inhabits the winds as freedom

Another pair of teeth to gnaw at solitude and forced unwisdom

of fools who forever colonize the same result

Oh to he, another arm to write revolt

Oh to he, who whispers a most disgusting truth

While waiving the lingering dreams of youth

Oh to thee, how shiny and complete can one be

To run for the office of souls, so bound and free

Fetching considerations with no draining anger

Waking the marauders with a brave clangour

And with an arrow large and crisp and fresh

Magical silvery sounds cut our flesh

As pierced our illusions through an ever-growing song

For you and me to lift the day-break prong.

Maybe today, maybe today he’ll slip

Far away, far away, to the sleep

With no walkers in the paper rain

No icy tears melting down the drain

No dread and sexy losing game

No windy thoughts by yesterday’s lane

No reason to go insane, no

Just an eternal Buddha standing in the doubtful purple sea

And a spoonful of sugar to bitter the being in me.

Forever thankful for Mr. Rodriguez and his beaming light,

Luzia & Pedro
Lisbon, Portugal

I came across Sixto Rodriguez Diaz by pure chance, and I fell in love
with his music straight away! ‘I think of you’ gets me emotional every

I bought ‘Cold Fact and Coming From Reality’, and these are 2 of my best
listening albums..

I still cant believe this man never got the credit he deserved when he
first released these albums…Thank you South Africa for realising the
REAL potential of this poet, Musician all round incredible Man and
bringing him back to the world!

Mr Rodriguez, Thank you for the music.

Berlin, Germany

Thank you for all your great songs and a unique life story.. Your thoughts and spirit have touched the hearts and souls of many of us.. I will be forever grateful to have had a chance to see you perform live in Bratislava (Stara trznica, 2018). I will keep the memory live for the rest of my life. May your soul rest in peace!

Lucia, Slovakia

Dear Family of Sixto.

Thank you for all your great songs and a unique life story.. Your
thoughts and spirit have touched the hearts and souls of many of us.. I
will be forever grateful to have had a chance to see you perform live in
Bratislava (Stara trznica, 2018). I will keep the memory live for the
rest of my life. May your soul rest in peace!

I loved the movie: SEACHING FOR SUGAR MAN. I met Sixto the second time we went to see the film at the Landmark Theater in West Los Angeles. I gave him a copy of my film: WHAT I’VE LEARNED ABOUT U.S. FOREIGN POLICY and a copy of the anti-war book i publish titled: ADDICTED To WAR by Joel Andreas. Some years ago I got a call from one of his daughters. I forget her name, but she’s the one who was in the Air Force. She was going through his things and found the copy of ADDICTED To WAR that I had given to him. And she called me just to talk. I was thrilled. It was one of my all-time favorite movies. What an incredible story. Almost to hard to believe. I told everyone to see that film. Sixto Rodriguez – PRESENTE –

Frank Dorrel, USA

Devastated to hear of his passing. I saw him in Canberra in the 80s. What I saw was a talented musician, but seemed a little nervous. I loved his songs, and he had much to say. RIP Sixto

Kathy Scott, Australia

To everyone at,

Like many others round the world, I’m deeply saddened to hear that the wonderful Sixto Rodriguez has passed away. His story, his music, and what he stood for as a person, meant a great deal to me. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

I did want to share one thing, in the hope it brings you a bit of consolation: just last month, on 10th July, I marked what I called “Rodriguez Day”!

I took my guitar out to a local park and played through all of Cold Fact. My sister made a Happy Birthday Rodriguez sign, which we put up on the bench, and a bunch of my friends (a couple of whom hadn’t heard his music before!) came by to join. It is already a special memory for me, and we were all quite literally brought together because of Sixto’s music!

I’d actually meant to do this last year, to mark his 80th – but life did indeed get in the way! (I was bartending at a festival, I think). 81 didn’t feel like as memorable a year to mark, but I was determined not to miss it this year. It’s bittersweet to me that, in the end, we marked his last birthday.

For me at least, this is a tradition I’d like to keep alive – dedicating that day to the simple joy of playing music with friends. I am so very, very thankful for Sixto’s awesome music, and I hope a tradition like that would do him justice.

Very best wishes,

Ashley, UK

Sixto grande artista: riposa in pace.

Andrea, Italy

We are all sad to hear that Sixto Rodriguez has passed away. May his soul rest in peace – his music will live forever. Thank you.

Sincerely yours

Henning Thoresen, Norway

My deepest condolences to Rodriguez’s family and friends at these difficult moments.
Rest in peace, dear Rodriguez. Your beautiful soul and enormous talent touched so many people around the world.

Noemí, Catalunya

Please pass on my condolences to Sixto’s family. He was a big part of my teen years. We saw him live at Bluesfest a few years ago he was fantastic. RIP

Col Ferderer, Australia

Thank you for your art, you changed the world.

J Logic, USA

To the children of Mr. Rodriguez,

My heartfelt condolences. The documentary brought Sugarman into my life but this morning’s news cannot take him out again. I was so humbled by your father’s integrity and stoicism, and his music was just the creative cream on top. I’ve taken today to share his music and story with some new people…seems better than lighting a candle.

Love and respect,

Jay Clark, Australia

Tu es un des tous meilleurs ! Ya pas photo. Merci Sixto. La charge des labeurs de ta vie illumine la beauté de ton âme et de ton talent, ton genie.. Repose en paix Sixto, et regarde nous avec compassion, malgré tout.

Jahcky, France

by natural accidental coincidence i stumbled into the news that Sixto passed today. wow im just a regular guy who proudly raised an American family who once again… ‘stumbled’ across Sixto’s life & lyric story about 2010. since about then I’ve lived silently with a dog in a log cabin in Missouri. Sixtos lyrics & music bring solace and reality into perspective. Thank You Sixto May God Rest Your Soul

Todd, USA

Thank you, Mr Rodriguez, for your marvellous music

Lisa Carr, Australia

We salute you, your music was unique, beautiful and so real. Our thoughts are with your nearest and dearest

Peter & Jane Harrison, Scotland

saddened to hear of his passing. he filled my youth with song.

’cause the sound of his song echoes in my head still

Geoff, Australia

I was saddened to learn of Sixto’s passing. Sincere condolences to all who loved him.

Patrick Kerber, USA

Sending love and condolences to Rodriguez’s family.
A brilliant humanist and musician. So much compassion and humility in one man that has inspired legions of people around the world for his truth and depth of spirit.
A highlight of our lives was seeing him perform live in Toronto.
May his music and his life continue to inspire. Thank you Rodriguez

Megan Wardrop, Canada

My deepest condolences.
I attended his show at Carnival City.
Any live broadcast of the funeral online?
If extra cash was available I would have attended the funeral in person myself in Detroit
RIP Rodriguez you will be in my thoughts for years to come

Rob, South Africa

Que placer escucharte, tu historia fué muy inspiradora para mi!
Gracias por tanto Sixto!!!

Guillermo, Uruguay

RIP dear precious Sixto. Thank you for your wonderful songs, music, and your life. Condolences to your family. Long time fan. 

Marcía, USA

My heart goes out to Rodriguez and his Family. Finding his music was one of the greatest things to have happened to me. His music is truly humbling and inspiring. He will always be the most important artist to me. Learning about his life, I have nothing but respect. I see him as a man most should aspire to be like. May his music pass throughout generations.
Rest in peace Sugarman

Alex Zamora, USA

22 thoughts on “Rodriguez Tributes From Around The World

  1. Still listening / J’écoute encore (en France).

    Your music was really coming from reality. I’m really touched.

    Thank You.

  2. In March 2013, my world was falling apart. My marriage shattered spectacularly and unexpectedly. My life was filled with grief, turmoil, and unprecedented violence. My nights were tormented and sleepless. Scrolling through Netflix, I found Sixto Rodriguez. “I Think of You” became the soundtrack of my existence on repeat for months. I downloaded every album I could find and Rodriguez’s music has filled my soul for more than a decade since. September 2022, I went on a pilgrimage through Spain. I hiked nearly 600 miles from France to the coast of Spain over 35 days. On a day when I finally heard God tell me that I did not need to forgive my ex-husband, I just needed to accept that what happened was what it was, I hiked to my albergue for the night with the 1st true peace and release I’d known for nearly ten years. I was finally free. When I walked into that albergue….GOD AS MY WITNESS… “I Think of You” was playing; I have NEVER heard Rodriguez played anywhere other than my own playlist since I found him on Netflix. A week later, I enjoyed a meal with 2 other pilgrims on my journey. A man from South Africa asked if he could play music from his favorite artist. Again, Rodriguez was on my journey. I am so thankful for his music, his life, his spirit. His journey that has so influenced mine. My only regret is that I never had the chance to tell him how much he has meant to me.

  3. Five or six years ago I somehow got to hear “Cause” and it blue me away, lyrics, voice, and sentiment as I envisaged they were meant. The more songs I searched and the story that unfolded left me left me both happy and sad at the same time. When I watched Searching For Sugar Man both his two daughters appeared humble people, I hope too they have seen some comfort from their fathers ability to write and compose, I hope they have long healthy lives.

  4. San Jose, CA, USA
    I would very much like to read a biography of Sixto Rodriguez. I wish a writer would get as much information about his early life thru the late 60s when he was writing his songs and after thru the 70s, 80s etc. The information could be obtained first hand from his family and after from friends and music enterprise. I’m sure it would make it to the best seller list.


    Pronto hará un mes. Mientras cenaba oí una noticia que, aun esperada, me sobresaltó y por un momento me agarró demasiado fuerte el corazón: el cantautor Sixto Rodríguez, ídolo en Sudáfrica y Australia en los 70 sin saberlo él mismo, ha fallecido a los 81 años. Ni más ni menos, otro obituario. Reconozco que todavía tengo el músculo algo dolorido a pesar de que han transcurrido tres semanas. He revisado el documental sobre su vida premiado con la dorada estatuilla en 2013 y mis pupilas se han bebido sus fotogramas ahora avanzando, más tarde regresando al inicio del mismo para no olvidar el más mínimo detalle, deteniéndose una y otra vez, una y otra vez… Me ha sido imposible sustraerme de las imágenes. No sé, siento cierta desazón o pena o melancolía o, por qué no gritarlo, rabia por no cumplirse con este poeta urbano aquello que algunos denominan “justicia poética”. Resulta inevitable enamorarse de sus letras y no menos de su música. Su valía, su calidad era y es indiscutible. Cuando lo escuchas sientes que no se parece a ningún otro, que es de una autenticidad desbordante, en definitiva, que es único. Quienes saben mucho de este oficio, certifico que no es mi caso, dicen que supera a Bob Dylan y a otros que todavía ruedan… No hace muchos años y gracias a la incesante búsqueda de un fan, recibió el reconocimiento y el calor de sus seguidores en varios conciertos, incluso recaló aquí en España, en Barcelona. Solo eso, Rodríguez era un tipo normal capaz de escribir canciones excepcionales, rebosantes de poesía urbana, de magia, de una altura compositiva difícil de alcanzar, que te elevan hasta las estrellas y más allá… Y jamás hizo alarde o presumió de ello, ni siquiera se enriqueció gracias a su música. El mejor homenaje que podemos rendirle es escucharlo y septiembre, ahora que el verano sonríe lánguidamente y nos dice adiós cada tarde, parece un mes estupendo para hacerlo.
    Isa, España

  6. Qué pena me ha dado saberlo! A su familia quisiera decirle, lo siento en el alma!
    Conoci tarde a SixTo, en el documental de Malik Bendjelloul. Quedé prendada de la historia, del personaje, de su música…
    Por qué desapareció después de grabar 2 discos? El documental no lo revela y Sixto ya no podrá decírmelo.
    You can now sing and play guitar with angels, Sixto.
    God bless you.
    God save the artist.
    God bless Sugar Man

  7. While watching Searching for Sugarman, when the first of your songs came to ear, I thought the lyrics and song as a whole was something special; it had stirred the pot of curiosity. Afterward having finished the documentary, I listened to a couple of his albums, and it stirred my very soul! Discovering your music Sixto is something i’ll take with me on my journey. You will be missed dearly.

  8. Just a week ago I discovered an incredible man, a dream story and majestic music that I can’t stop listening to. How I regret your departure, Mr. SIXTO RODRIGUEZ, you will live forever in your wonderful music and in the memory of each life in which you entered through the front door. You are a legend… beyond physical presence. You touched the hearts of thousands and thousands… Rest in Peace, my respects and condolences to your family.

  9. A true artist, a genius whose incredible gift to the world, his music, was divinely inspired. Condolences to his family.

  10. Rodriguez, thank you for your music and for your poetry, your lyrics have changed my life forever, finding your music was one of the greatest things to have happened to me. A few years ago and thanks to my partner in crime and soulmate, to this day that has been the most beautiful gift anyone has ever given me.

    My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Gracias por tu arte, cambiaste al mundo.

    Love from Giovanna and Javier from Bogotá Colombia.

  11. Farewell Rodriguez. Thank you for your beautiful music, life lessons, and humor. You were one of the greatest protest singers and songwriters of my generation. Your songs brought me to tears and elevated me to become a better person. Your albums were not appreciated in the United States in the 1970s, but you were a guiding star in South Africa with songs that inspired the young to protest the Vietnam War, fight to end racial inequality, the abuse of women, and the brutal segregation of apartheid. RIP. My deepest sympathies to your daughters and family. You will always be remembered.

  12. My brother introduced me to your music in the late seventies in my school days and I carried this with me into my military service
    Then Finding sugar man documentary reignited those memories, fantastic music
    RIP Sixto Rodriquez

    Peter de Vries
    South Africa

  13. Dear Sixto

    May you rest in peace now and we thank you for your fantastic music and the memories that your music was a great big part of. Warmest wishes to the family.

    Love Henriette

    South Africa / Denmark

  14. The corner hotel Melbourne they were lined up around the block to see Sixto after the concert the great man stayed to meet and greet every last person he was beautiful humble and generous with his time when I met him I knelt down bowed my head and kissed his hands Sixto knelt before took my hands and kissed them back I had tears off Joy in the moment with him he then turned to my friend and hugged her and said can I take her with me we all laughed and said we are with you always Sixto as you are always with us….Love and will always remember you Sixto fly beyond the stars and leave a rainbow forever in our Hearts 💕 love always Sha’ron and Wayne

  15. A beautiful soul. May he RIP. I am so thankful I was able to see him perform at the Ryman in Nashville, TN, USA. His music and his life are a legacy his children can be proud of.

  16. A talent that was in the league of Dylan if not greater, genius words & music we all grew up with, swayed to, and internalized, never knowing he never knew of us, till he discovered he was our rock star. South African youth & intelligentsia was awash in his music growing up there in the 70s and 80s. I was humbled to see him in person in Chicago a few years ago, a wonderful trip back to my coming of age in Cape Town. Your words were sublime, gave us hope in our darkness. Hamba Kahle Sixto.

  17. To Sixto’s family: As a young 20 something in Australia in the mid-1970’s, I heard Rodriguez’ songs and was in awe of his talent and social commentary. I had those albums for decades and was so overjoyed for him and you that he finally received the world wide recognition he so richly deserved. Sympathies to you, and importantly Peace and Love to Sixto’s legacy…may he live on.

  18. I’m in awe of this wonderful man’s story. I first heard of this, I believe on 60 minutes about searching for sugarman. I watched the documentary on Max yesterday to honor his passing and was blown away. The most talented and humble beautiful spirit I’ve ever heard of. A gentle soul. Condolences to his beautiful daughters and family. We should all aspire to be 1/10th of this extraordinary man.
    Diane -New Jersey U.S.A.

  19. Lamentamos todos el fallecimiento del gran Sixto Rodríguez. Hijo de migrantes, ejemplo de humildad y perseverancia. Desde México, tu tierra, te recordaremos siempre.

  20. Oh. Rodriguez comforted me during a rough period. I’d play his music hours on end, over and over. From standing ovation at an early screening of SfS in Manhattan to a $20 ticket at his High line Ballroom concert, standing by the stage; to traveling to Seattle for an intimate-venue celebrating Light in the Attic’s 10th anniversary; to buying a best seat ticket to a concert at NJ
    Center for the Performing Arts so far in advance and in such depressive pain that the concert was half over by the time I remembered; to a great, joyful Beach Boys concert in Seattle which he opened, playing acoustic guitar — Rodriguez graced my life. Enlightened one, may you return in another incarnation to illuminate Earth.

  21. You defined a generation in South Africa. You brought joy and light when we were in a very dark place. Your gentle and humble nature was so inspirational. I have enjoyed your music for more than 40 years. Hamba Kahle Sixto.

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